The National Zoo & Aquarium provides the only zooquarium experience in Australia. Tourists can see an impressive range of animals, including the largest collection Big Cats in Australia, as well as the largest inland aquarium. The zoo has barbecue facilities and picnic tables and the coffee shop is open every day. All areas of the park can be accessed by wheelchair, though some places are quite steep. It is a wonderful place to see tigons, giraffes, cheetahs, bears, monkeys, the shark tank and much more kids’ tour. Visiting the National Zoo & Aquarium will be a good chance for kids to get up close to native wildlife and even to pat kangaroos and emus. For adults and bigger kids, hand feed lions and tigers and let a bear lick honey from your hands or pat a cheetah on the Meet-a-Cheetah tour. The Walk On the Wildside tour is a new attraction which provides visitors a stage to be close to many of the larger animals and to see what is traditionally the domain of the keepers.
by Jackson Shi
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